How Easy is It to Become a Coder

No, coding is not hard to learn. Much like any other skill, learning how to code requires time and persistence. The difficulty will depend on the programming language itself and what kind of software you'd like to make.

Is coding hard to learn? One of the most common reasons people don't want to learn how to code is because of the perceived difficulty. Some people start the learning process but stop halfway because they get stuck or find it too difficult to understand.

You might be questioning if coding is hard to learn and whether it is worth the effort. One thing for certain is that coding isn't easy. However, it isn't difficult, either. With the right mindset, commitment, and learning assistance, you can become an expert at it. This article includes details on what coding is used for, how long it takes to how to learn to code, and where to start learning to code.

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You're ready to make a career change and become a programmer. Software developers work on fascinating projects and command handsome salaries. Not to mention, they're increasingly in demand. Becoming a coder will set you up for a fulfilling and rewarding life. But if it's your first time coding, you might wonder: Is it difficult to learn to code?

In this guide, we look at learning to code. We show you the easiest languages to learn so you can start on the right foot. You'll get to know which languages are the hardest to learn, as well. You can tackle these after getting a few of the easier ones down. It'll be a madcap adventure, I'm sure, so let's get started.

Is Coding Hard to Learn?

The simple answer is no. Coding is not hard to learn. If you take the time and have a lot of patience, you can really learn just about anything. Coding is no exception. Learning to code takes a good amount of time and persistence, but if you have those then we guarantee you'll get there.

Now, what about the other related question: 'Is computer programming hard to learn?' To answer this question, we need to consider several factors, including:

  • What particular programming language would you like to learn?
  • Is it categorized as an easy-to-learn language or is it one of the more complex ones?
  • Given its level of complexity, do you have the time to spend learning the language?
  • What program would you like to design or develop?

The answer to the last question plays a big role in the language you'd have to learn. That's because programming languages were not created with a one-size-fits-all purpose.

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That being said, writing code for a program that adds two numbers could be learned in a couple of minutes in almost any language. Creating your own operating system, however, could take a lot of time; years even for a good programmer.

​​What Is Coding Used For?

People use computer coding, or programming languages, to give instructions to a computer on how to perform each function. Behind any software like mobile applications, websites, and programs, are lines of code that give instructions on how each and every function should be carried out. Below is a detailed list of what coding is used for.

  • Web Development. Web development is the building, design, testing, maintenance, and improvement of websites and website applications. Web developers write code to instruct the computer on what a website should look like, such as the layout, and the functions, such as when you click a button it takes you to another page.
  • Software Development. Software development is the process of building, designing, testing, and maintaining software applications, systems, frameworks, and components. Software developers write the code that builds the computer software programs.
  • Game Development. This is a process that involves building, designing, installing, testing, maintaining, and enhancing video games. Game developers write code to build video games for PCs, consoles, and mobile devices. They work on the entire process and collaborate with a team for the video game design.
  • Mobile Development. Mobile development is the process of designing mobile apps and software for Android, iOS, and Windows mobile devices and tablets.
  • Desktop App Development. This involves the development of software for desktops or computers. The software could be designed for Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems.

The Easiest Coding Languages to Learn and Their Uses

When you're beginning your studies to become a computer programmer, it's best not to bite off more than you can chew. Trying to learn a complex and difficult programming language before you've mastered the easier ones can be a frustrating experience. It can also result in you giving up right away.

Give yourself the best chance to succeed by starting with an easier language. You'll be surprised by how easy it is to learn computer programming! Here are some easier, high-level languages to learn.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

If you want a relatively painless entry into Programmerland, you can always start with learning to code in HTML. This language is invaluable for web design.


This beginner-friendly language has simple, easy-to-read syntax, which makes it a great first language to learn. It's for these reasons that Python is among the well-loved languages of data scientists and programmers. That translates to companies as well. Google, Wikipedia, NASA, and Yahoo! are among the many organizations that use Python.


Don't forget to study JavaScript. It's the Swiss army knife of coding languages and it's easy to pick up. JavaScript is a versatile language. It can be used on both the front end and the back end of a web page for a better user experience and interface design.

Web developers, especially front end developers, use JavaScript for interactive coding. If you're looking to get into companies like Microsoft, Netflix, and PayPal, study this language.


Another great starter language, PHP is robust enough to keep running even if the code contains errors. It's also one of the oldest programming languages, leveraged heavily by Facebook during the company's earlier days. WordPress is one of the most popular users of PHP.


You might think about learning the basics of Java, too. Java is simple to start using and widely used for mobile application development. Java offers one of the best frameworks among the programming languages so there's no worry about its use declining. Amazon, Spotify, and Pinterest are among the many companies that use Java in their tech stacks.

The Hardest Coding Languages to Learn

When you dig into the more difficult languages, you'll begin to see some similarities between them. All the languages in this section are toughies for new coders to read, comprehend, debug, and service. What makes programming hard with these languages?

Well, several of them are high-level programming languages that allow for computer abstraction. So, you don't have to worry about making sure that memory gets utilized correctly and other housekeeping tasks.

The bottom line is that they are incredibly complex. You'll need to gear up and gain more coding experience before starting on these languages.


This language is about as low-level as you can go without having to chat in binary. Assembly is a very old language and is far from intuitive. This language is used for machine learning coding.

C, C++, C#, and Objective-C

These versions of the C language are also tough to grasp with lots of moving parts and steep learning curves. These C variants are used in numerous open-source projects and applications. iOS applications are built with Objective-C. Microsoft Windows applications, meanwhile, use C# while LinkedIn uses C++.

All the harder languages we've listed are valuable and useful. So once you have the skills to handle them, you should study them.

How Hard Is Coding to Learn?

Coding is not so hard to learn, especially if you're willing to dedicate the required time, patience, and dedication. Coding can be confusing to navigate from the unset due to the many areas it has. However, if you're persistent and determined to take the necessary steps, you won't find it too difficult to learn.

To ensure that you don't find coding too tricky and quit along the way, you should take some necessary steps like discovering your area of interest and taking it slow. The field is vast, so trying to understand it all simultaneously will only lead to you giving up. You should also figure out the best learning path and format that works for you.

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Is Coding Harder Than Math?

No, coding is not harder than math. While most people assume that coding requires expertise in math, a lot of coding doesn't involve math at all. Some areas may be just as difficult as math, but there is hardly any area that is harder than math. The main similarity between coding and math is the aspect of problem-solving, which is fundamental to both fields.

Tips to Learn Coding

  1. Start with the basics. Coding can get quite confusing and tricky, which is why it is best to start by learning the basics first.
  2. Practice every step you learn. Practice makes perfect and this couldn't be more true in programming. When you learn something new, the best way to understand and remember it is by continuous practice.
  3. Ask for help. Very few things help you understand coding better than working with experienced coders. Whenever you get stuck, you should reach out to someone who is experienced in the topic and get help from them.
  4. Use online resources. There are various online resources that you can use to your advantage when learning how to code. You can find relevant content that you can refer to from time to time to help you understand your topic better.
  5. Code by hand. One of the best ways to learn and understand coding is to write in a notebook or on a whiteboard. This will help you improve your coding skills, learn faster, and understand your strengths and weaknesses.
  6. Practice patience. Learning something new can be frustrating, especially when it's as complex as programming. This is why it is important to practice patience while learning to code. You are likely to get stuck and frustrated along the way and only patience and can keep you going.
  7. Take breaks. It's important to take breaks throughout your learning process. Whenever you begin to feel frustrated, confused, or tired, take a break and try again when you feel rested and rejuvenated.

How Long Does It Take to Learn Coding?

It varies from person to person. On average, it takes about three to four months to learn the basics of coding. However, becoming an expert could take six months to a year, depending on your learning path. It's important to remember that every learner has their own unique experience with the learning process and many factors can affect the amount of time it takes.

Where to Start Learning Coding

A man with a headset working on a coding project with two computers. Is Coding Hard to Learn?
There are several popular programming languages to start learning to code with to make your coding experience a good one.

There are several educational paths that you could take to learn how to code. You could enroll in a coding bootcamp, attend college to earn a degree, learn through online learning platforms, or use free online resources. You can find detailed information on these educational options below.

Coding Bootcamps

One way to learning coding is through a coding bootcamp program that will prepare you for a career in tech. Coding bootcamps are short, intensive courses that offer hands-on training through real-life projects. They are shorter and more affordable than a college degree program, and most students get a relevant job within a few months of completing one.

Coding Online Courses

Online learning platforms or massive open online courses (MOOCs) are everywhere, today. They are usually the most affordable way to learn to code and are often self-paced, so you have the flexibility to learn coding while working full-time. Through online courses, you can also get  hands-on training through projects and assistance through the helpful online communities.

Coding Degree Programs

Traditional universities are the original way that students would learn to code. You can attend college for a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Programming, computer science, information technology, or computer engineering. These degree programs include coding in their curricula and can thoroughly support you through the process.

Coding Free Resources

Just like MOOCs, there are numerous free online resources that can help you learn to code. There are libraries, online tutorials, communities, books, articles, publications, and videos that are available on the internet to help you get started.

Is It Hard to Get a Job with Coding?

It is not hard to get a job with coding, especially with the continuous advancement of technology and the tech industry. The majority of organizations and businesses today need an IT or data department to grow, solve problems, and profit, making it essential to hire coders. Getting a job with coding is relatively easy, particularly with the right soft skills to back your coding skills.

Jobs You Can Get with Coding Skills

  • Software Developer. Software developers are professionals who work to develop software for computers. They build, design, test, maintain, debug, and improve software. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average salary of software developers $110,140 with projected job growth of 22 percent.
  • Web Developer. These are professionals who are responsible for creating, designing, and maintaining websites and web applications for businesses to satisfy their customer or user needs. Web developers earn an average annual salary of $77,200 and have job growth of 13 percent, according to the US BLS.
  • Full stack Developer. A full stack developer is an expert in both front end and backend coding of a website or application. They are responsible for designing the user interaction on the website, server, and website database. Full stack developers earn an average of $79,537 annually, according to Payscale.
  • UI/UX Designer. UI/UX designers are in charge of the research, evaluation, design, and implementation of a website's user experience. The average annual salary of these professionals is $91,500, according to ZipRecruiter.
  • Data Scientist. A data scientist collects, analyzes, and interprets raw data into information that can be used to help organizations solve problems, grow, and make a profit. These professionals can work in any field and earn an average annual salary of $97,001, according to Payscale.

Is Coding Worth Learning?

Yes, coding is worth learning. With the numerous resources for learning, in addition to the job opportunities and communities to join, it is a career path you will enjoy. As a coding expert, you can work in any field of your choice and earn above the national average salary of all occupations.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for computer and information technology jobs is $91,250, and they are projected to grow by 13 percent between 2020 and 2030. These figures show great potential and make learning to code a significant step to a promising career path.

So, Is Learning to Code Worth It?

Now that you know more about coding languages and their difficulty, you might be wondering if learning to code is even worth the hassle. There's a very simple answer to that: yes!

Learning developer skills is a fantastic way to kickstart your career. You simply need to make sure not to take on too difficult a language the first time you pick up a textbook. Coding doesn't have to be hard to learn when you select the right study material. You won't believe you waited so long to get started.

FAQ: Is Coding Hard to Learn?

What coding languages are easy to learn?

HTML, Python, JavaScript, PHP, and Java are some of the easiest, high-level languages for beginning coders to learn.

What are some of the hardest programming languages to learn?

Assembly, C, C++, C#, and Objective-C are some of the tougher programming languages to learn.

Is learning to code worth it?

Absolutely! Having programming skills will be an asset to your career and will lead to many high-paying jobs.

What is the best way to learn about programming?

There is no "right" way to learn to code. You can learn programming through self-study, a traditional four-year degree in computer science, or through a coding bootcamp. Check out our guide to know more about the best coding bootcamps available.

Is coding very difficult to learn?

No, coding is not difficult to learn. If you are willing to put in the right amount of effort, time, and dedication, you will find coding challenging, interesting, and worth it. You just have to start with the basics.

How long does it take to learn to code?

Depending on your learning path, it takes three months to one year to code. If you learn independently, the duration will solely depend on your learning pace and commitment, as you could fully learn the basics in two to three months. If you join a coding bootcamp, it may take three to nine months.

Do you have to be good at math to code?

No, you don't have to be good at math to code. Both coding and math require the same problem-solving skills, which puts those who are good at math at an advantage. However, coding mostly doesn't involve math.

Is coding a good career?

Coding is a great career. There are numerous career opportunities for those with basic coding skills, as the demand for them continues to grow. Not only are they in high demand in the tech industry, but also many other industries including finance, healthcare, communications, and in government agencies.


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